Harmony Sound Baths
Are you looking to reduce stress, alleviate pain, relieve anxiety, increase focus or improve sleep?
Sound baths offer an opportunity to calm your mind and achieve deep relaxation. Immerse yourself in the relaxing, rejuvenating and therapeutic sounds of gongs, singing bowls, flutes, drums and other instruments. Allow yourself to de-stress, quiet your mind and be transported to a place of self-reflection, healing and harmony.
Scroll down to book. Please ensure that you and other members of your party (if applicable) have read the contraindications and precautions listed at the bottom of this page before booking.
Lee Complementary Health Centre, 174 Manor Lane, London, SE12 8LP
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1 hr 15 min
20 British poundsEric Liddell Sports Centre (Eltham College), Grove Park Road, SE9 4QF
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1 hr 15 min
20 British pounds
Although there are no recognised side effects of sound therapy, sound baths may not be suitable for people with certain conditions, or people who are sensitive to sound. Please check if any of the following apply to you:
Pregnancy - sound baths are generally safe, but they should be avoided during the first trimester. Check with your doctor if you have any concerns.
Epilepsy - Sound-Induced Epilepsy is strictly contraindicated. For other forms of epilepsy, you must check with your doctor before attending a sound bath.
Severe or clinical mental health problems - you must consult your doctor or mental health professional before attending a sound bath to ensure it will be safe for you.
Implanted medical devices (i.e. pacemaker, deep brain stimulation, intra-uterine device) - vibrations from the instruments could cause interference or shifts in the device's positioning. You must check with your doctor to ensure that attending a sound bath will be safe for you.
Heart and circulatory conditions (e.g. hypertension, cardiac arrhythmia, carotid stenosis) - you must check with your doctor to ensure that attending a sound bath will be safe for you.
Thrombosis or deep vein thrombosis - the vibrations caused by the instruments could result in the movement of any thrombi. Consult your doctor before attending a sound bath.
Metal implants (i.e. plates, pins, screws, wires, artificial joints) - although unlikely without direct contact over the implants, the vibrations from the instruments could cause discomfort. Please contact Darren before the session to discuss any concerns you may have.
These sessions are open to all, but you will need to be able to lie still and quiet for a long time. Anyone under the age of 18 will need to attend with a ticket-holding parent, legal guardian or formally approved chaperone.
Sometimes complementary therapy can cause a healing reaction. During or after the sound bath, you may experience a worsening of symptoms before they get better. In the unlikely event that a healing reaction does happen, you can contact me to discuss this matter. If you feel the situation needs closer attention you should contact your GP. If you feel you need immediate medical care, you should not hesitate to contact a medical professional, call NHS 111 or attend A&E.
There will be a lot of deep breathing during the session, so if you currently have a cold, flu, Covid-19 or other contagious respiratory illness, please do not attend. Contact Darren at the earliest opportunity to request a refund or to reschedule.
Bring water. You may also like to bring a light snack to eat at the end of the session to help you feel more grounded.
Your body temperature will probably drop during the session, so wear warm clothes and bring a blanket (particularly during colder weather).
There are yoga mats at the studio, but feel free to bring something of your own to lie on.
You'll be lying down for most of the session, so bring a pillow, bolster or cushion for your head and anything else you might need to get as comfortable as possible (e.g. bolster or rolled up blanket to place under your knees).
Using an eye pillow, eye mask or just a small towel placed over the eyes is recommended to enhance the sensory experience and help you become fully immersed in the sounds.
Setting an intention can help you get the most out of a sound bath. If there is anything specific happening in your life that you would like to focus on or something you would like to change about yourself, prepare a clear, simple, positive intention or affirmation for the session i.e. it can be as simple as "I am relaxed" or, if you are feeling anxious, a possible affirmation could be "I am calm". You will not be required to share this affirmation with anyone - it is just something for you to focus on during the session. It is important to frame your intention in the present tense as if it has already occurred (rather than wording it as something you want to achieve in the future) and to use positive terms (rather than putting the focus on what you don't want) e.g. "I want to be free from pain" still puts the focus on pain and wanting (rather than having), whereas something like "I move freely and with ease" or "My body functions as intended" provides a positive focus as if the desired outcome has already been achieved. "I don't want to be stressed" would be better expressed as something like "I embrace calmness". It should feel genuine, honest and right for you when you internally express your affirmation. Have a look at www.calm.com/blog/setting-intentions for some helpful advice about setting intentions.